Monday, September 17, 2007


A “Must See”
Season Three – Schedule and Content

October 2007 through March 2008
produced by the United Nations Association of the USA Westchester Chapter.
For further information: e-mail: or visit:
Or www.unawestchester (after October 1) or call: 914-478-3450.


Week 1 - Episode 53: The first half of this episode reviews United Nations progress, successes as well as issues that were addressed in 2006. The second half focuses on four different stories: (a) highlighting issues Bahraini women face in seeking political positions; (b) China Population Report 2007, with a focus on urbanization; (c) how the impact of global warming in polar regions affects the rest of the world; and (d) how the Alliance of Civilizations came about and its goals and strategies for reducing tensions among different societies.

The next five videos in this season of Going Global with the UN are interviews conducted by Bill Miller from the United Nations Association of Kentucky, on the series "Global Connections," which is filmed at the United Nations in cooperation with UN TV.

Week 2 - Episode 54: Global Connections host Bill Miller speaks with the Executive Director of the Public-Private Alliance Foundation, Dr. David Stillman and Ambassador Francis Lorenzo from the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations about the United Nation Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), highlighting the examples of progress made in the Dominican Republic. Ambassador Lorenzo and Dr. Stillman speak to the importance of cooperation between the UN and host countries. Stillman speaks on the work of the Public-Private Alliance in encouraging partnerships for development and its focus countries of Madagascar and the Dominican Republic.

Week 3 - Episode 55: In an interview with Global Connections host Bill Miller, Dr. David Nabarro, the UN System Senior Coordinator for Avian and Human Influenza addresses issues surrounding the possibility of an avian influenza outbreak both in a local and global contexts, and the relationships with human influenza. Dr. Nabarro speaks about the potential for an outbreak to occur, and what sort of precautionary plans the UN has for dealing with such an occurrence, such as with issues of livestock and animal rearing. He also talks about how the UN plans to get control of the situation if an outbreak were to transpire.

Week 4 - Episode 56: Dr. Lucia Rodriguez, the Vice President for Education at the United Nations Association – USA, and Elizabeth Scarinci, intern at UNA – USA speak with Global Connections host Bill Miller about the Model UN and Global Classroom program from an organizational and a student perspective. Dr. Rodriguez discusses the Model UN program and how it helps students become more aware of world issues and become global citizens. Ms. Scarinci speaks about what it is like to participate in such a program, what she has learned, and how it has helped give her a clear focus for her college and career goals.

Week 5 - Episode 57: Global Connections host Bill Miller interviews Dr. Djibril Diallo, the Director of the United Nations New York Office of Sport for Development and Peace about this unique approach the UN is taking to help combat issues of illiteracy, poverty and hunger. Dr. Diallo comments on the role sports have in development and how communities can use sports and physical education to help further their economic development and to tackle issues of gender inequality. In addition, Dr. Diallo speaks about how important partnerships between the UN, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector are to the success of this innovative approach to development.

Week 6 - Episode 58: Amir Dossal, the Executive Director of the UN Fund for International Partnerships speaks with Global Connections host Bill Miller about his work in promoting partnerships in development work between the public and private sector. Mr. Dossal stresses the importance of these relationships and how it positively benefits countries as well as how collaboration between groups focuses attention on dealing with issues affecting US citizens and others around the world.

Week 7 - Episode 59: This episode profiles the UNICEF Report on the State of the World’s Children in ten different countries; Iran, Romania, Chad, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Brazil, USA. Djibouti and Madagascar. It gives viewers snapshots from each country into how the health of children is inextricably linked to that of their mothers and others in the community, thereby showing how important it is to consider these issues in development.

Week 8 - Episode 60: The program analyzes the key countries with nuclear weapons and focuses on how we can reach a global disarmament without repeating any past atrocities.


Week 9 - Introduction: The MDGs: Dream or Reality? Also: UNDP MDGs. (Episode 31)

Week 10: MDGs: – Albania: Roadmap to 2015. Also: Too Brief a Child: Voices of Married Adolescents (Episode 32)

MDG Goal 1: Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger

Week 11: Helping Ourselves. The program looks at two projects that are helping Indian communities move out of poverty. Also: Feeding Schoolchildren in Rwanda. (Episode 33)

Week 12: Yemeni Futures. The program asks what is being done to address the fundamental needs of the Yemeni people, and achievements since the unification in 1990 to raise the quality of their lives. Also: Millennium Village in Malawi (Episode 34)

Week 13: Central African Republic: Silent Crisis. The country is on the verge of complete collapse. It is one of the least developed countries in the world and one of the poorest. 13 per cent of children die in infancy and only a third of the population has access to safe drinking water. (Episode 35)

Week 14: The Angle of Hunger. The documentary features FAO’s field work in the Peruvian Andes and the Ethiopian Highlands and explores why a disproportionate number of mountain dwellers experience periods of hunger and food insecurity. (Episode 36)

MDG Goal 2: Achieve Universal Primary Education

Week 15: Achieve Universal Primary Education. Two approaches to improving the lives of poor people -- one through education, as in the Shilmundi project in Bangladesh, the other through "community-driven development" in Indonesia. Also: Colombia - Medellin Girls; and Nepal - Welcome to School. (Episode 37)

Week 16: Educating Yaprak. Education for children, especially girls, in Turkey. Also: 10 Ways to change the world with children. (Episode 38)

MDG Goal 3: Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women

Week 17: Las Borregeras. An IFAD-supported project in Mexico helps a women’s group set up a sheep farm. Also: Agents of change 2005: The 1995 Beijing Women’s Conference and progress until now; and Fighting Poverty with Roses in Rwanda. (Episode 39)

Week 18: Women on the Run. The famous Kenyan marathon runner Tegla Loroupe starts a peace race to help end armed conflicts in her poverty-stricken home area. The Kenyan politician Linah Kilimo, who herself ran from the knife, strives for the goal of putting an end to female genital mutilation. (Episode 40)

MDG Goal 5: Improve Maternal Health

Week 19: Fight for Life: Making Pregnancy Safer. This episode describes the attempt to improve maternal health in Moldova. (Episode 41)

Week 20: Fight for Life: Making Pregnancy Safer. This episode describes the attempt to improve maternal health in Bolivia. (Episode 42)

MDG Goal 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases

Week 21: Malaria, Killer Number One. Africa’s Malaria Crisis. Ethiopia is among the places hardest hit by the disease. New cures, preventive action and massive intervention by the international community bring a glimmer of hope. Also: Fistula Advocacy Video. UNFPA brings awareness to this childbirth problem. (Episode 43)

Week 22: Research Capacity and Self-reliance in Developing Countries. The video explores needs and solutions to public health problems caused by neglected infectious diseases. Also: The Road Towards Universal Access. Reaching the MDG on HIV/AIDS requires far greater access to prevention, treatment, care and support than is currently available. Also: AIDS: For a Social Vaccine (ILO). (Episode 44)

MDG Goal 7: Ensure Environmental Stability

Week 23: Global Focus: The New Environmentalists. Features intimate portraits of seven dedicated individuals who have put themselves between government powers, corporate interests and other rivals on behalf of the Earth's well-being. Each compelling story takes place on a different continent. (Episode 45)

Week 24: Weather, Climate, Water in the Information Age About the World Meteorological Organization
Also: The other side of Paradise. About the December 2004 Tsunami and its impact; Grenada hurricane and impact; Sea Turtles in Barbados; Environmental Changes and impacts on islands. (Episode 46)

Week 25: Tomorrow's Catch. The video highlights FAO’s Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
Also: The First Mile. This IFAD video looks an innovative two-year pilot project underway in Tanzania. Also, Inner Mongolia leads China in Wind Power Generation. (Episode 47)

MDG Goal 8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development

Week 26: Breaking Through. This film gives a glimpse of what microfinance means for millions throughout Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Middle East, through the Grameen Foundation. Also: World Community Grid: IBM works with many partners to create the largest public computing grid benefiting humanity. Also, ITU backs ICTs to Aid Development. The International Telecommunications Union and information communications technology. (Episode 48)