Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Lot Going On

Since I've last written, I've been involved in two major events. One was the United Nations Association of the USA's Biannual Convention. That took place in Washington, DC, from June 12 - 14. Photos are online at the Flickr account, and I've written an article for the UNA Southern New York State Division's website: Anticipated by all was a chance to get to know Ambassador Tom Miller, UNA's new president. Tom plans to work closely with Chapters and Divisions of UNA-USA, a departure from the previous president, and this was welcomed by all.

The other event, on Ethanol and Bioenergy, was organized by the Public-Private Alliance Foundation. It featured aspects of investment in bioenergy, with participants from the financial sector, producers, non-Governmental organizations, and the United Nations. A report on the event will be available soon at Meanwhile, you can view one of the participants speaking about investment issues on PPAF's YouTube account:

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