Tuesday, January 5, 2010

How to Support the United Nations

If you're an American, or live in the United States, you have a great opportunity to support the work of the United Nations through membership in the United Nations Association of the USA. UNA-USA supports the UN through offering programs to the general public, giving individuals a way to learn about important global issues, and providing a way to advocate for vital actions by the international community and by the U.S. Government.

These are exciting times, with a US President and Congress willing to work multinationally, and winning the respect and admiration of countries around the world.

Why join? Because the United Nations is the only global body that brings together 192 countries for mutual understanding, interest, interaction and policymaking.

Why join? Because the World Health Organization, UNICEF, the UN Population Fund, the World Meteorological Organization, the World Food Program, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the UN Development Programme, the UN Institute for the Training and Advancement of Women, and many other parts of the United Nations System help countries work on areas of mutual interests. WFP feeds refugees and starving children. UNICEF provides programs that help improve children's lives; FAO helps farmers with new agricultural methods and knowledge. The United Nations itself works through principal bodies including the Economic and Social Council, the Security Council and the General Assembly, to give voice to the opinions and ideas of countries around the world.

Why join? To become part of the global conversation!

Why join? To help all Americans to learn about the work of our country in the international arena, and to help the United States have a positive impact on multilateral decisionmaking, go to: http://www.unausa.org/ and go to "Join us" -- fill out the form or print a .pdf, fill it out and mail it.

UNA-USA has many local chapters - if there is not one in your area, you can start a group or a chapter. If you area at a school or college, you can join or start a Student Alliance.

For information in Southern New York State, go to: http://www.unasouthernny.org/

Best wishes for a better world in 2010. Be an active part of it!

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